Sometimes men get in over their heads. But do they call for help? No. Of course not. Instead, they lean on the lessons they learned from the guy who was there from the start … Dad.

If there’s one individual who has influenced man more than anyone, it’s the father figure. Dad sets the bar. If Dad changes his own oil, if Dad cuts the turkey, if Dad thinks the designated hitter ruined baseball, well, then you know who follows suit.

Fact is, a man’s father makes some of the longest-lasting, most impactful impressions in one’s life. And these impressions run deep.

If you can find a way to tap into that bond a son shares with his father, then you’ve found an opportunity to make a strong brand connection. Here are a couple of brands that leaned on the big guy for a little bit of help:

What’ll Ya Have?
The drink in your hand says a lot about you, especially to other men. Last thing you want is to say the wrong thing. So what’s a man to do? That’s right. What would Dad drink? Canadian Club picked up on this quandary and came up with an unapologetic print campaign that answered the question for a handful of worrisome guys.

Who Taught You How To Drive Like That?
Dad’s teaching their sons to drive goes back as far as, well, the invention of the car. But what goes back even further is man’s love for excitement and power. Back in 2006, Ford tapped into Dad’s sweet tooth for speed to launch their new line of Mustang GT’s … while conveniently leaving out any warnings about speeding tickets.

Understanding the relationship between men and their fathers can be a valuable way to connect with your male audience. When done right, your brand has the ability to create a bond that lasts for years and is passed on from father to son. And that’s a good thing!

Written by: Immediate Consumption